Higher School of Economics (HSE) is an internationally ranked research university that carries out its mission through research-led academic, project, expert and socio-cultural activities based on international academic standards. It is the leader in Russian education in the field of economics and social sciences universities in eastern Europe and Eurasia. HSE was established in 1992 and has rapidly grown into a well-renowned research university over two decades, setting itself apart with its international presence and cooperation. HSE stands within the world's Top 100 best universities in a number of subject fields and was included in the Top 100 Young Universities ranking in 2017. Since 2013, HSE has been a member of the 5-100 Russian Academic Excellence Project, a highly selective government programme aimed at boosting the international competitiveness of Russian universities.
Go to websiteMasters Giving Access to QTEM:
Deadline for QTEM application:
Applications should be sent during the last year of Bachelor or the first year of Master. For students at HSE-Moscow:
Alena Evteeva
E-mail: outgoing.gsb@hse.ru
Website: https://qtem.hse.ru/en/
Why do your exhange here?
Dates of Exchange:
Program open to incoming students:
Area of specializations:
Shakhnoza Tashmetova
E-mail: outgoing.gsb@hse.ru
Website: https://qtem.hse.ru/en/inmos